How to Set Up Your Scripture Journal to Study by Chapters
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"Reading a book of scripture from beginning to end initiates the flow of living water into our lives by introducing us to important stories, gospel doctrines, and timeless principles. This approach also enables us to learn about major characters in the scriptures and the sequence, timing, and context of events and teachings. Reading the written word in this way exposes us to the breadth of a volume of scripture. This is the first and most fundamental way of obtaining living water."
When I study by chapters I don't like to just read. I like to write down the things I am learning about so that I can remember it better and so that I can look back to recall it later. I feel it also shows Heavenly Father that I appreciate the message so many people sacrificed for to save for me.
Here is how I do it. I start each journal off with a title page that lists the VOLUME of that particular journal.
You can have the traceable I used to create mine here, or make your own. Next I put in a Table of Contents. The reason I use volume and page numbers is to help with referencing in my scriptures and journal entries.
I like to fill in my Table of Contents as I go along. Then I make sure to number all the pages so that I can easily find what I need to later on.
The following pages include artwork, sketch notes, or templates that help me to list any words I looked up the definitions to, any people or places that were mentioned, scriptures I looked up, questions I had, or any gospel topics or principles I was able to discover.
I also like to write about how the scriptures are relating to myself in my current life, any quotes or commentary that better explain what I am reading, song lyrics, charts, timelines, artwork etc.
Anything that helps me to appreciate and understand what I am reading. I like to do individual pages on the characters I am studying, the locations that are mentioned, and sometimes all the symbolism.
Many kits have been designed to aid you in studying your scriptures this way. Some are guided studies, others are templates that allow you to fill in what you are learning, and others are for illustrating or beautifying your scriptures or journals.
If you would like to see a more in depth look at one of my earliest Chapters Journals you can view a video tour of it here.
I would love to see what your Chapters Journals look like! Join me and 1,300+ other inspirational Worthy Written Words community members on facebook to share your photos with us! Click here to join the free WWW Facebook group for support and encouragement!

You have a beautiful soul and I love your art, inspirations, and ideas. I hope you are blessed for all your efforts to this work.

I love your pin. Your approach is awesome.
I was going to join your group. Thing is I’m not LDS..

I would like to get one