How to Use the Chapters Kit Templates

This tutorial will show you how to use the Chapters Kit Templates. First print out each template to the size of the journal you are using. Before or after you fill it in, insert it into your journal by whatever means you need (inside page protector for 3 ring binder, or glue onto a page of a regular bound journal, etc.) I have two journals- one that is a chapter by chapter study,


and the other is for Topic based study. Here is where I discuss setting up a title page.

Each of my journals has a table of contents that is blank so I can fill it in as I go along. (Template available individually or as part of the Chapters Kit in the store, as will all the rest of these templates in this tutorial).

I start out reading a chapter of scripture and as I do so I fill out the "My Personal Study Of" template with the following categories:

  • Quick plot summary- You describe what is going on in the chapter
  • Word research- these are definitions or quotes that explain what a word means
  • People and Locations- anytime a person or place is mentioned in the chapter I list them in this area and see what they have taught me
  • Topics/ Gospel principles that need to be explored- these are topics mentioned in the chapters such as forgiveness, prayer, recognizing the spirit, obedience, commandments, etc. I list what I learned about that topic.
  • Additional Scriptures and/or footnotes I looked up

Here is a picture to give you an example of how I have filled one out:

Where it asks for other journal's page reference, it wants you to list any other journal where that particular topic is mentioned. Each of my journals has a volume number. My Chapters is Volume 1 and my Topics is Volume 2. Then each page has a page number in the corner. So I can easily list where to find something with the marking (volume:page number). So under this category, all these topics start out with the number 2, because they can all be found in more length in my second volume journal which is my topics journal. Then the following numbers are page numbers. Ex: in the picture of "Enduring Well" the other journal reference is listed as 2:101-102. That tells me that if I want to read more about what I learned about the topic Enduring Well, I would need to go to pages 101-102 of my Volume 2 journal. Does that make sense? 
So I take those doctrines/principles and create a page for them in my topics journal. But that's a whole different tutorial.
Moving on-  I will add any personal thoughts or insights of my own using the Lessons Learned Template on the next page with reference to the verse. In the first column you write the verse number you are referring to and then in the second column you write your thoughts, quotes, insights, etc. about that verse.

 The same volume: pages marking principle mentioned above is also used for the people and locations section where it says, "character analysis/ map page reference." That's where the Character Analysis template comes in. Anytime a person is mentioned, I list them on my Personal Study of Page and then I create a separate page just for them. Here is an example:

In this example I am analyzing two brothers, but usually its only one person. Underneath the name I write what their name means. There are lots of dictionaries online that will tell you the meaning of a name. Then I list any scriptures where that person is mentioned, and what I have learned about that person from that scripture.
There is a place for your favorite quotes by or about that person. I do a search on and depending on the person, sometimes there are entire talks written about them. In that case I may attach quotes that I like, more historical facts if there are any, personality traits, physical descriptions, important life events, what they have taught me, etc. And again a place to list any other pages that person is listed. 


The Historical Analysis page template is for people that have more accurate date or timeline information about them from a historical perspective. These can be kings listed in the Bible, early church history figures, etc. Its very similar the character analysis but instead of listing scriptural references, you list dates and facts.

The Symbolism Page is used to record the meaning of symbolic verses you find. 

It has an area to list the book and chapter you are studying, the verse you are going to write about and the symbolism or meaning that goes with that verse.

You can see more of my tutorials here for more information on how to use the templates on this site and gain inspiration. If you have any questions on how to use these templates that isn't discussed here feel free to contact me.

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